Saturday, December 15, 2012

Coldplay- Mise-en-Scene- Male Performer's Costume

We decided to dress our male performer in black and white in our music video to remain simple but also to match colour connotations

Black has connotations that we wanted to portray in our video.

White also has contrasting connotations.

We decided to use a mixture of black and white to contrast with the female character, but also to draw in aspects of both colours' connotations. Henceforth breaking some conventions but sticking to others.

He is going to wear a fitted top to show his phisique, making him stereotypically desirable and iconic for teenage girls particularly- a stereotype of fame and musicians. Jeans portray a casual and masculine imagine, but converse return to make the outfit more casual.

Below are the photos of the actual items Jeff wore. However, due to the photographs being such bad quality- due to unavailability of adequate equipment, I have also downloaded some good quality photos of replica items.

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