Monday, January 7, 2013

DigiPak Plan

We decided to have a picture of Jeff (our performer) on the stage at the back and with songs down the left hand side. We thought that this would be effective yet simplistic; it would still attract the audience’s attention. We thought about having another photo of Jeff on the front cover, we decided maybe the magazine advert. This way people would be able to recognise the album because they have seen the magazine advert, also as Jeff is shown mostly in the music video. We thought about using a clock on the fold in panel, this is because we wanted to promote our music video and the single 'Clocks' more. Therefore, as soon as they open up the product the clock is the first thing they see. We thought about having a review page on one of the inside panels, this would be seen as they open up it up, by putting the reviews on that page the audience are likely to read them as they see it straight away. The reviews would be about the album or about the songs featured on the album. We decided to use a piano on the second inside panel because when they opened it out more they would see that a piano is used in one of the songs. A picture of a candle is used underneath the CD holder, this is because it is similar to a graphic match as the candle is circular and the CD holder is, also the flame of the candle would be in the same place as circular hole of the CD. 

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