Monday, November 5, 2012

Feedback- The Kooks

Part way through the process of production, we asked our peers and teachers for feedback on our what we had done so far of our first-draft. They thought that our ideas and storyline were good. They also liked our use of shot types, but thought that some could be better filmed; be it a change in mise-en-scene or a slight wobble on the camera. We therefore are going to re-film some of the shots and scenes. Unfortunately, to maintain the continuity we are going to have to re-do more than just the small number of shots that needed changing. Nonetheless, this is what feedback is for- to get the best out of our abilities and product. We are going to discuss this and assess the changes that need to be made over the next week due to having a half-term holiday. We will also be staying in contact with our teachers via. email as to help us with our decision-making.

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