Saturday, November 10, 2012

Choosing the New Song

First of all we went back to our original research, and all instantly agreed that we would stick with the 'indie' genre. We then discussed all the artists we had previously researched, and all felt that Coldplay would be the most effective- and a big change from The Kooks (which we hadn't felt worked) without leaving the indie genre. Therefore, we looked at existing Coldplay products and made mental lists of songs we felt would be appropriate.

We decided to brainstorm our instant ideas when listening to each son, beginning with "God Put a Smile on Your Face"

We liked these ideas but decided to go through the remaining songs to be certain. Next we listened to 'Clocks'.

After listening to this song and discussing our ideas and sharing our notes we began to get excited and felt that this was definitely the one to choose. Henceforth, we abandoned listening to anymore songs and decided to begin brainstorming further for this idea.;postID=857936051991349579

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