Saturday, July 14, 2012

Song Choice Initial Ideas

*We made a point not to watch any of the official videos for the songs that we looked at in order for all of our ideas to be completely original.

Song Choices

Coldplay- Everything's Not Lost
We liked this song because despite having the sad sound of Coldplay the lyrics, and therefore the meaning, was more positive meaning.

Coldplay- God Put a Smile Upon Your Face
Our reasoning for liking this song was similar to 'Everything's Not Lost'; it had the slower, more solemn sound to it but a positive sound.

Elbow- One Day Like This
We liked this song because it was positive and upbeat without being 'Pop'. This is important because we didn't want a 'Pop' song for our video. We wanted more of an 'Indie' sound as this would fit better with our initial ideas for the video.

The Kooks- Seaside
The Kooks- Naive
We liked the 'Indie' sound to these two songs but thought that they had a different feel from the other 'Indie' songs and therefore would create another meaning for our video ideas.

Lana Del Ray- Video Games
Although this song is 'Pop', we liked the sound as it was slower and felt that it would still be appropriate for our video ideas.

Beyonce- Party
Beyonce- Broken Hearted Girl
Again, although Beyonce isn't 'Indie' music we thought that these two songs would fit with our ideas. Her sound is more 'R'n'B' or 'Pop' but we thought that this would give an alternative feel to our video ideas.

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