Saturday, July 28, 2012

Artist Research- Coldplay- Existing Products

We watched a few other Coldplay videos that for some inspiration and ideas. We also analysed the videos briefly to establish what it was that we needed to do in order to make our video as close to the general idea and theme of other Coldplay videos.

God Put A Smile Upon Your Face;

> There is a variety of different shots of performance shown throughout the video.
> The video is minimalistic during performance sections, this helps you to focus on the artist.
> The use of black and white is very effective.

We are likely to use all three of these conventions in our own production.

We also found 'Yellow' a huge inspiration solely due to it's simplicity and the effectiveness of this. The simplicity allows you to focus on the artist, but also to notice the emotions, location, and every detail of the shot. It also helped to calm the audience and fitted with the song and genre conventions well.

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