Friday, September 28, 2012

Roles and Responsibilities- The Kooks


Location(s): Park, Boy's house, Girl's house, Party, Classroom, Town, Performance space.
We decided on such a wide range of locations to show the strength of the feelings in the narrative..they weren't affected by where they were.
Personnel: Female: Jenny Gibson, Male: Jeff Leyland

Roles and responsibilities:

-Camera Work- All three of us.
We decided to share the responsibilities of filming our product because it was the biggest  element of our project and therefore it would be too much to ask of an individual. Also, each of us has our own strengths in using the camera- from a steady hand to framing and composition techniques- so in all three of us sharing this responsibility we would be able to achieve the best outcome possible.

-Director- All three of us.
Again, we decided to split this responsibility due to it's scale and importance. In addition to this it depends on who's filming and who's other responsibilities are being called upon to who would be best to/ or available to direct the scene.

-Props/costume- Maisie Hesketh. 
I was chosen for this role because of contacts working in the business so access to appropriate clothing and props was easier for me than perhaps other people. We understand that not everyone has these opportunities but decided to use what was accessible to us to our advantage.

-Coordination of actors and locations: Brogan Adams.
Due to advances in this area through other A Level subject and extra curricular choices,  we decided on Brogan to take the lead in this area- she knew people who would be willing (and able) to help us in our films, and knew locations that would be appropriate from past experiences.

-Time Management: All three of us. (Depending on other responsibilities).
Again, depending where we were required due to other responsibilities timing would be different people. However, we felt that it was most appropriate for us all to be responsible for time management as all of our other roles and responsibilities- including our blogs- would need to be timed and done regularly anyway.

-Equipment coordination: Tiffany Pickford.
Tiffany was in charge of coordinating equipment as the cameras, tripod, steady-cam etc. needed to be 'checked out' using the cards system in our College. Therefore, because Tiffany checked them out, she had to sign to confirm that, should any loss or damage occur, she may be held responsible. Therefore, they automatically become her responsibility although we will still all be using all pieces of equipment. 

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