Thursday, September 13, 2012

Uses and Gratifications Model- The Kooks

Blumler and Katz

Introduction to the Theory
This model suggests that audiences have expectations which they expect to be satisfied by media texts. The audience needs are:
-Surveillance (r.e. the world around us)
-Personal Identity (personal opinions and how we see ourselves in society)
-Personal Relationships (relationships with media characters)
-Diversion (escapism from daily life)

What Audience Needs Does Your Planned Product Satisfy?

We want our product to challenge peoples surveillance of the world surrounding us and the stereotypes placed with different genders and age groups. We also wanted to oppose many existing music videos which portray the world today as depressed and negative and help them to see things in a more positive light. We want our product to also have this uplifting effect on personal identity because we are going to aim to show a variety of ages, genders or locations (depending on availability) in our music video. We want our characters to be everyday people so that personal relationships can easily be created which also allows the emotions to be felt with more strength and empathy. This will not only make our audience feel good but we aim to help them to emit their emotions and aid social interaction. We thought that by using positive, realistic and meaningful shots, locations, characters and imagery but in a positive light we would also allow diversion and escapism from daily life in simply watching our music video. 

Why Might Your Audience Consume Your Product?

Simply because we aim to give a positive message. Our video aims to be more meaningful than ordinary music videos and we want it to make people think. We also want it to be one of those videos in which you notice something new every time you watch it- whether that be a scene or clip, or even another, deeper, meaning to the action.

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