Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Costumes- The Kooks

When filming 'She Moves In Her Own Way' we decided on costume to try and reflect the personality and character traits of our characters.

Our female (Jenny Gibson);

We asked Jenny to wear a feminine dress, something floral and pretty. We wanted this because we felt it showed her feminine side, reflected her beauty, naivety and innocence. With this, she wore brown leather brogues. These were to represent some sort of structure in her person. To try and show that perhaps underneath her weaknesses she was a strong character. Along with a knitted chunky cardigan in a dark green colour- this was to reflect her natural beauty and her links to being an earthly character.

Our male (Jeff Leyland);

We wanted Jeff to wear something casual, but quite modern and up to date with modern fashion. He wore a green hoody, grey trousers and pumps. The colours reflected his mood to be quite calm and restrained. His character however contrasted this slightly in the narrative.

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